Friday 22 May 2009

Skulls meets some old school fairisle.

So here are some fairisle patterns for the knitted part of my collection way exciting or what. I have been having some serious issues with the (crappy) CAD knitting machine so forgive the spottyness of some of the samples the final knits will be much tidier.


One of the first samples i knitted, had some dropped stitch problems.


Same as above but smaller and with less skull action. You can see where the knitting machine is catching in the high light colour stitches which is very annoying but sadly unfixable untill i get on the good machine.


Subtle, potentially a bit disgusting as well... reminds me of babies which is probably a bad thing. Not enough contrast in the colours and due to the spotting the pattern is way less clear.

I am really hoping it doesn't look too piratical.

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